I/We agree and confirm:

  1. To the applicable schedule of charges, fees, commissions including the key facts informed to me by HDFC Bank Ltd. (Bank) and as more particularly mentioned in the “Schedule of Charges” of this Application.

  2. That the bank's representative/ staff will not receive any payment in cash/ bearer cheque or kind along with or in connection with this loan application from me/ us.

  3. That no discount or free gift or any other commitment whatsoever is given to me/ us by the Bank or any of its authorized representative(s) other than what is not documented in this application form the Terms and Conditions/ Agreement pursuant to the Loan.

  4. The Bank shall not process incomplete/ defective application form, for which if any loss or delay is caused to me/ us, I/We will not hold the Bank liable for such loss or delay.

  5. That Loan processing and disbursement will take at least 7 working days post submission of all requisite documents and information as may be required by the Bank as per Bank's criteria.

  6. That submission of loan application to your bank does not imply automatic approval by the Bank and the Bank will decide the quantum of the loan at its sole and absolute discretion. The Bank in its sole and absolute discretion may either sanction or reject the application for granting the loan.

  7. That the Bank shall have the right to make disclosure of any information relating to me/us including personal information, details in relation to Loan, defaults, security, etc to the Credit Information Bureau of India CIBIL. and/or any other governmental/regulatory/statutory or private agency/entity, credit bureau, RBI, the Bank's other branches/ subsidiaries / affiliates / rating agencies, service providers, other banks / financial institutions, any third parties, any assignes/potential assignees or transferees, who may need, process and publish the information in such manner and through such medium as it may be deemed necessary by the publisher/ Bank/ RBI, including publishing the name as part of willful defaulter's list from time to time, as also use for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes.

  8. The Bank reserves its right to reject the loan application and retain the loan application form along with the photograph, information and documents.

  9. That I/ We shall furnish any additional documents as and when required by the Bank.

  10. That I/ We have not taken any loan from any other bank/ finance company unless specifically declared by me/ us.

  11. That there is no impediment or restriction (whether legal or judicial) against me/ us and/or our asset filed/ reported by any other bank/ financer/ bank.

  12. That the funds shall be used for the purpose for which loan has been applied and will not be used for speculative or antisocial purpose.

  13. I/ We do not have any existing customer ID or customer ID apart from the one mentioned above, and incase found otherwise, Bank reserves the right to consolidate the customer IDs under a single customer ID as it may decide, without any prior notice to me/ us.

  14. That the information furnished by me/ us above is true and accurate.

Other declarations: I/We :

  1. shall advise the HDFC Bank Ltd. (Bank) in writing of any change in my/ our residential or employment address.

  2. hereby authorize and give consent to the Bank to disclose, without notice to me/ us, information furnished by me/ us in the application form(s)/ related documents executed/ to be executed in relation to the facilities to be availed by me/ us from the Bank, to the Bank's other branches/ subsidiaries/ affiliates/ Credit Bureaus/ Rating Agencies/ Service Providers, banks/ financial institutions, governmental/ regulatory authorities or third parties for information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes that the Bank may deem fit. I/ We waive the privilege of privacy and privity of contract.

  3. shall credit all sums received by you in either or all the names of this account.

  4. hereby confirm having received, read and understood the terms and conditions applicable to this loan including the application form and the Terms and Conditions/ Agreement and accept the same.

  5. hereby unconditionally, agree that these terms may be changed by the Bank at any time and I / We will be bound by the amended terms and conditions.

  6. Confirm that I/ We are citizen of India.

I / We also confirm that the executive collecting my loan Application / Document has informed me / us :

  1. that Govt Taxes & Levies is applicable and will be charged in connection with the loan.

  2. all the commission/s (in the form of up front and trail commissions) payable to HDFC Bank for the insurance policy recommended to me/us.

  3. In the case of loan cancellation, the applicable pro-rata interest charges on any outstanding loan amount will have to be borne by me/us. I understand that Processing Fee, Stamp Duty are non-refundable charges and would not be waived/ refunded in case of loan cancellation or where the loan has not been disbursed.

  4. That all the post-dated cheques are to be issued favouring HDFC Bank Limited A/c only.

  5. that loan related information like "welcome letter", "repayment schedule", "Terms and condition", "disbursal advice (as applicable to Personal Loan/ Business Loan)", will be sent on the e-mail id mentioned by me/ us in this loan application form.

  6. that I/ We can log on to HDFC Bank Net Banking ( to view the welcome letter and repayment schedule. I/ We may also request for a physical copy of Welcome Letter and Repayment Schedule separately if need be.

List of fees and charges

EMI return charges:

Rs. 649/-

Late Payment Charges:

2% per month for the overdue period on EMI

Loan Prepayment Charges:

4% on Balance Principal Outstanding from 13 to 24 months of EMI repayment.
3% on Balance Principal Outstanding from 25 to 36 months of EMI repayment.
2% on Balance Principal Outstanding beyond 36 months of EMI repayment.
Govt Taxes & Levies, as applicable would be charged additionally.
Prepayment is not allowed prior to completion/payment of 12 EMI.
Part payments are not allowed.

Loan Cancellation Charges:

Interest would be charged for the interim period between date of disbursement & date of loan cancellation and processing fees/stamp duty would be retained.

Duplicate Repayment Schedule Charges:

Rs. 200/-

CIBIL report copy charges:

Rs. 50/-

Date on which annual balance outstanding statement will be issued by HDFC Bank:

31st May every year

Standing Instruction for Repayment of Monthly instalments

I have taken a PERSONAL loan from HDFC Bank and would like to avail of the Standing Instruction facility offered by your bank to make repayments towards my loan.

I, therefore, request you to accept this mandate irrevocable authorising the Bank to debit my HDFC Bank Account Number towards recovery of repayment dues of my loan account as per dates & terms and conditions mentioned in the loan schedule or as per revised instructions basis requirements as communicated from my end in line with the Bank's policy.

I undertake to maintain sufficient balances to cover the Loan Repayment Dues (and charges, if any) on the stipulated due dates. I also understand that the failure to repay my loan amount through this standing instruction shall be treated as a default in repayment of dues and all charges/penalties/levies as covered by the agreement will hold good towards the nonpayment of obligations.

Please treat this as an irrevocable communication as an authorization to debit my account month with the required amounts towards the repayment of my loan. In the event of the above account getting closed/transferred for any reason, I/We will intimate to the Bank the new account opened with the bank to debit the Loan Repayment amounts as per the agreement. Further, I/We undertake the responsibility to provide the fresh set of Mandate and security PDCs for such new account, as per the terms of the agreement in lieu of existing instructions.

I also understand and accept that the Bank will have the right to set-off, without prior intimation to me, the available balances in the designated account for recovery of overdue installments and/or charges (if any) in the loan account.

Declaration of relationship with Directors of Bank

I confirm that I am not a Director at any Bank, and I am not a relative of any Director or Senior Officer at HDFC Bank.